GoogleがY!IncのOpenIDを使った登録(Sign Up)を表明

Googleのアカウント作成時に、Y!IncのOpenID + AXで取得したEmailを確認済メアドとして扱い、スムーズに処理を完結させようって話ですね。

The idea is that instead of signing in with your Yahoo ID, and then clicking off to your Yahoo mail to click on a verification link, a button just takes you to a sign-in page on Yahoo, which verifies your account to Google, and then sends you back. It is a much more civilized way to sign into a site using an existing ID.

きっとOpenID + AXだと思いますが。
Y!IncがAX対応したとき、Allen Tomが言ってました。

Sites that require verified email addresses can use Yahoo! OpenID to quickly authenticate Yahoo! users and verify their email addresses, without having to force users through the clunky manual email verification process commonly used today.


あ、Yahoo! JAPANはAXでEmailを提供していません。